By Marye O’Reilly-Knapp
Theory and Methods of Integrative Psychotherapy
This article revisits aspects of the theory and methods of Integrative Psychotherapy as written and discussed by Richard G. Erskine, PhD and others. A case study demonstrates the use of Integrative Psychotherapy as the basis for therapeutic interventions that allow the client to interpret early experiences of relational failures, via a relationally based psychotherapy. Revisiting the theory and methods of Integrative Psychotherapy served to further validate the core of IP and its value as a cohesive and comprehensive psychotherapy.
Key Words: integrative psychotherapy; case study; relational psychotherapy
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O’Reilly-Knapp, Marye, 2016, Integrative Psychotherapy ‘Revisited’. International Journal of Integrative Psychotherapy, Vol. 7, 2016